
Email & the Internet

An attachment = A document sent with an email that needs to be opened.

Please open the attachments to see the finished versions.

To delete = To remove content from a page or system.

He deleted all of his emails and emptied the recycle bin, but I.T. still found them.

To/A download = To copy data (information) from one system to another.

Have you downloaded the latest version of the program?

To forward = To send an email from someone to a new person.

I will forward the invitation to you shortly.

A link = A website address.

Be careful before you click on any unknown links.

To log in = To enter your name, user name, or email address and a password, in order to access a webpage.

I cannot log in to my bank account because I don’t remember my password.

To log out = To delete your name and password before closing a webpage.

My home computer is safe, so I never log out of my account before I leave the page.

A password = Letters, words, numbers (or a mixture) that, with your name or email address, let you enter a webpage.

Always choose a password that is difficult for people to guess.

To reply = To send an answer to someone.

Sorry for the late reply, I was on a business trip.

A search engine = A website that helps you find information on other websites.

Google is one of the most popular search engines.

To send = To pass information from one computer (or phone) to another one.

I will send you a reply by the end of the day.

To / an upload = Sending information from your computer to the internet.

I’ll upload the photos from my phone to Facebook as soon as I get home.

A virus = A software program designed to harm your computer.

My anti-virus software was out of date and now none of my files can be opened.

A website = A location on the internet that contains one or more pages.

Can you send me your website address, so I can see what you do?


Did you know?

Do you know how old emails are? Well, the first one was sent back in 1971! When did you send your first email?

And did you know that the internet, as we know it today, was invented nearly 20 years later? What did you first use it for?

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